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Ficacci Olive Company

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Legal name
Ficacci Olive Company
Business address
via empolitana km 6,350, 00024 Castel Madama, Italy
Full name
David Dottorini

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V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU


Ficacci Olive Company is an established family-owned firm, with three generations of ownership over the past 58 years. Ficacci currently does business in more than 40 countries worldwide. Over the years the company has become renowned as an industry trendsetter, introducing a variety of innovative packaging solutions. Ficacci Olive Company is certified to a number of food safety standards, including HACCP, ISO 9000, BRC, and IFS food safety standards, and the company is also Kosher certified. Ficacci has recently completed the move to its new state-of-the-art advanced production plant, which features automatic packing lines capable of handling around 40 Tons of olives per day. Ficacci offers a wide selection of finest-quality Italian and Greek fresh table olives for food service, fresh produce, and deli including varieties such as Castelvetrano, Gaeta, Cerignola, Leccino, and many more. Ficacci products are available in either Ficacci brand or private label, in a range of sizes in brine or M.A.P.


SIAL Paris 24
5A L-103

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