Swimsuit CYLIA Tuttifrutti Fluo one piece bustier

Product’s description

How to wear it?

Elegant and colourful, the Cylia Tuttifrutti one-piece bustier is open on the front and adorned with a bow on the chest. It has removable thin straps for a better support of the chest.

The little extra: The bustier is fully lined in certified lycra, for a better support of the chest.

 Its long sleeves are removable! You can choose to remove them according to the occasion.

The Designer’s advice: This model is perfect for women with a marked waist. Our models are also designed for pretty generous breasts!

For a dinner or cocktail in the evening, wear it in a bustier with long sleeves, adorned with beautiful wide pants, for a chic/elegant effect or a high waisted jeans for a more casual effect, you will be furious!

The fluorescent color comes out very nicely on all skin tones!

What is it made of?

It is a bi-material model designed and made in France.

Jacquard fabrics of Lyonnaise origin printed Tutti Frutti Fluo on the top.

Jacquard is a technique for obtaining relief patterns obtained by weaving dyed yarns beforehand.

54% Polyester - 30% Polyamide - 9% Polyamide66 - 7% Elasthanne

Neon lycra panties: 78% Polyamide - 22% Elasthanne

It also exists in White and Gold.

Where does our inspiration come from?

The island carnival inspires us, allowing all dreamers of tropical journeys, whose spirits are lulled by the sensuality of the tempo of Caribbean music, to finally feel at the other end of the world. An original cut, leaving signify the sensual curves of the Woman, while keeping a certain elegance. A meticulous choice of refined and exotic colors.

The Pattern on this model represents a joyful dance of various exotic fruits.

How to take care of it?

Our models are small jewels, so you really have to take care of them.

It is important to rinse with fresh water directly after each use. To preserve the liveliness of the original colors, and the quality of the fabrics of your WI-PARIS products, choose a hand wash in warm and soapy water, with the same colors. Especially avoid drum drying, ironing, as well as bleaching, it would be even better to dry it flat, and preferably in the shade. Chlorine is strictly forbidden. If you are afraid of damaging your precious, you can of course have it cleaned by a professional. It is recommended to store it away from moisture


81 rue de l'AMIRAL ROUSSIN, 75015 Paris, France

Product’s features

Product Information

Gender Woman
Second Hand No
Brand product WI-PARIS
Availability immediate delivery
Buyer margin 2 - 2,5
Season spring / summer
Quantity per unit
Sport No
Shipping packaging cardboard, paper, plastic
Clothing style beach / resortwear
Made in France
Plus size No
Color orange
Cut standard
Swimwear cut one piece swimsuit
material lycra
One-Off Piece No
Dimension 25


81 rue de l'AMIRAL ROUSSIN, 75015 Paris, France

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