Tzafettas S.A.

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Business information

Legal name
Tzafettas S.A.
Business address
1st Km Tyrnavos - Ampelon, 40100 Tyrnavos, Greece
Full name
Kallirroi Tzafetta
Commercial director

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V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU


Our company «TZAFETTAS SA» is a family business in the field of dairy products since 1936.
Based in Tyrnavos, a region in Thessaly with long tradition in animal husbandry, we operate in two privately-owned plants totaling 5.00m2. Respecting the tradition and our founder’s principles, we produce authentic Greek cheeses of premium quality and high nutritional value.
We use strictly-selected raw materials, 100% Greek sheep’s and goat’s milk and recyclable packaging. In addition, we continuously invest in new technologies and human resources, in order to provide our customers with quality and safe products.
By strictly applying Quality Management Systems in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and IFS, we ensure the highest quality of our products. The company supplies both the wholesale and retail market in Greece and abroad (in 15 countries), establishing long-term partnerships.
As the fourth generation of producers, it is our duty to carry on our precious family legacy; with reliability and consistency, we continue to offer great cheeses, meeting the needs of our customers, regarding quality and price. True to our family recipes, we produce the TZAFETTAS dairy products with devotion and guarantee their authentic taste.


SIAL PARIS 2022 ; SIAL Paris 24
7 F-169

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