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Business information

Legal name
SOLIGRANO Sp. z o.o.
Business address
Wroclawska 20, 95-082 Dobron, Poland
Full name
Agnieszka Wasiak

Legal information

V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU
PL 7312050508


Soligrano is a family brand, an affiliate of OrganikAgro Foods - a leading producer of puffed grains. It is the largest producer in the industry in Central Europe. The company offers the highest quality organic and conventional products, gluten and gluten-free, suitable for both vegans and vegetarians.
We have experience in working with retailers and in the B2B channel, private labels and building our own Soligrano brand. The Soligrano and OrganikAgro Foods offices and production facility are located in Dobroń, Central Poland, in the Łódź province.
We offer breakfast products, mixes for preparing plant-based burgers, for baking bread and balanced lunch meals. We also provide a wide selection of flours, groats and legumes. We strive to be the leading brand of light and delicious food products made from puffed cereal grains, offering a wide range of products catering to the needs and expectations of our customers. We want to achieve this through giving you a unique offering of healthy, original and high-quality products. It is very important for us that our products to be a rich source of nutrients, and have a positive effect on the human body

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