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Ailton Neto
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OKUTUA is a streetwear, casual and sportswear brand created and developed in mid-October 2019 in Lisbon-Portugal (current headquarters of the brand), with the objective of presenting a conceptual and visual solution different from many brands on the market, by betting on potential creative of our employees and maintain a strong line and identity in order to characterize the brand and preserve the ideas for which it was created.

Okutua means LIGHTING or LIGHT, the term comes from the Umbundu culture located in southern Angola - Africa.

For "okutua" the important thing is people, there is no one better than the other or more blessed than the other for us, deep down we are different and this difference is what makes us special. This concept serves us as inspiration when we create, we are concerned with telling stories through design, although sometimes abstract, we try to be faithful to our philosophy.

Our mission goes beyond just selling garments, we have quality solutions in fabrics and printing, in which all the pieces produced are validated in order to guarantee a better quality to our customers.

We invest in quality and that's what we sell, quality stories.

We are people who think about the difference, creative and daring people, without fear of challenges, responsible and committed.

Okutua is everyone's brand made for everyone, a brand that wants to break cultural and social stereotypes and wants to make the world a better and more fun place.

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