La Compagnie Bretonne

Fish soup

Product’s description

Soups: La Compagnie Bretonne makes its soups with locally sourced fish, in particular from Guilvinec. The recipes are prepared in small quantities, and the ingredients are added gradually: the preparation simmers for a long time at each stage of the recipe to allow the ingredients to release all their flavours.

The flesh of the fish gives the soup its consistency, but it is essential to include the fish heads and bones to make a good stock and give the soup its flavour and character.


La Compagnie Bretonne
105 Hent Yvon Buannic, 29760 Penmarch, France

Product’s features

Product Information

Brand product La Compagnie Bretonne
Exhibit at the trade show Gourmet Selection Paris 2022
Semi-finished food products and ingredients No


105 Hent Yvon Buannic, 29760 Penmarch, France
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