Katsaros Distillery

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Legal name
Katsaros Distillery
Business address
7th klm tyrnavos larissa road, 40100 Tyrnavos, Greece
Full name
Nikolaos Katsaros

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KATSAROS DISTILLERY carries a long history of 165 years. It is a 4 generations family business based in Tyrnavos and it is the oldest Ouzo distillery in Greece and thus in the world, since Tyrnavos is the birthplace of Ouzo, our national product. In our factory today, technology coexists in harmony with the history and tradition. Here, we continue to distill, as it was then, in 1856. With soul and vision, we put the handmade copper stills into modern installations and made our production possible. With roads open since 1930, our spirits are travelling all around the world and we make sure they go even further.
Like shining stars, our medals and quality distinctions, that our spirits have been awarded in exhibitions worldwide from 1889, are justifying our efforts. During this long journey we have with us our Ouzo, Tsipouro, Liqueur, Ouzo Triple Distilled, Tsipouro triple distilled and Aged Tsipouro trying not just to be winners, but to be excellent in all levels.
In 2017, the 4th generation of Katsaros family, takes the big step and enters the wine making production. And the story goes on…

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