Consorzio Pecorino Romano

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Legal name
Consorzio Tutela formaggio Pecorino Romano
Business address
Corso Umberto I 226, 08015 Macomer, Italy
Full name
Daniela Murgia

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The Consortium for the Protection of Pecorino Romano Cheese, established in November 1979 by a group of interested parties from Lazio and Sardinia, was entrusted with the task (on 14th January 1981) of overseeing the production and trade of Pecorino Romano by the Ministry of Agriculture in conjunction with the Ministry of Industry. Since 28th April 2002 the Consortium has been granted the further task of safeguarding its protected designation of origin (PDO) status by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

The goals of the Consortium, as specified in the charter, include protection and oversight of the production and marketing of Pecorino Romano, protection of the name in Italy and abroad, as well as increasing consumption and improving the quality of the product, all in collaboration with regional, national and EU entities and institutions.

From that moment onwards the centre of gravity has shifted decisively towards Sardinia. A leading figure in the world of the cooperatives, Antonello Loddo, led the Consortium from 1986 to 1992. From 1992 to 1996 a major private producer, the Sardinian Serafino Pinna, was in charge. He was succeeded, after three years, by Salvatore Meloni who was elected for the first time in 1996 and, serving five terms, led the Consortium until 2011.


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