Caffè Mokambo S.r.l.

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Business information

Legal name
Caffè Mokambo S.r.l.
Business address
Via Papa Leone XIII, 34, 66100 Chieti Scalo, Italy
Full name
Nicola Di Nisio

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V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU


Caffè Mokambo is a company with a long and remarkable story. It was founded in the early 1972, when the two brothers Camillo and Vincenzo Di Nisio, after having spent some time as baristas and learned how to brew espresso in the best way, decided to open a small roasting coffee shop in the ancient city Chieti, located between the green mountains and the blue-coloured Abruzzese sea.

Over the years the two brothers became more and more aware that it is very important to offer to the customers a top quality product, from the small coffee bean till the espresso coffee cup. During the Eighties, thanks to a steady growth, Caffè Mokambo begins to have the typical character of an industrial company, but at the beginning of the Nineties the company moves in Chieti Scalo in a brand new building. Today, the firm is still managed by the two founder brothers, but they keep on offering an excellent product, in which handicraft production meets state-of-the-art technology.


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